


I am taking a Front Page course. So far this has turned out to be like several courses I have taken in the past - too easy for me. I took it to find out how to deal with Front Page's messing up your web page files. I have found some of what happens, including Front Page's webbot, and I found that applying a theme wipes out everything else. Still it is good to know some of these technologies, especially when my workplace foots the bill.

Also it seems every time I go to class, big storms come. What's so stormy about Front Page? One class was wiped out by a power outage, and in the others, held in a windowless room, a storm came and I could see it on the radar. it is strange to see a storm only by how it shows up on a radar such as Intellicast's or the local TV station's. All you see is a red blob over the area you live in; you don't see or hear the thunder and lightning that comes with it.


This has been a big news day! There were two plane crashes (Tunisia and China), and they identified and caught the guy who has been putting bombs in mailboxes. Alan Greenspan refused to raise interest rates, Rev. Shanley was held on $750,000 bond, Seattle Slew, the sirer of 900 horses (!!), died, and another suicide attack took place in the Middle East and a bus blast in Pakistan. Every time I looked at the news, there was a new story taking front place. I do think that something like this is probably a coincidence because I don't see any connection in these stories. Further, I see no connection to the planetary lineup; the planets go through their courses ignorant of human events. Probability and distribution theory can help explain the occurence of coincidences. Basically, coincidences means that events are happening randomly.
Freak accident today. As I was running during lunchtime, the ground disappeared under one of my feet and I fell forward. Fortunately the surface was grassy so I was not hurt. The ground apparently had a small cave under it due to a buried object, probably a pipe, that had been abandoned. The hole that my foot created had lots of small white maggots or white worms in it. You can't even trust the ground below your feet anymore.


Clarification caused by truncating. I finished an article to be posted to my site explaining how the Sip N Sup program at my church works. I updated my non-word page to include the word martiocracy and others. We bought a picture at Arts in the Park about an incredibly small kitten trying to grapple with a larger than normal pink stuffed mouse.
Today I finished an article to be posted to my site to include martiocracy (meaning a junta), and other ocracies based on planets, such as mercurocracy and joviocracy.Quote for the day: For every choice that ends up wrong Another one's right - Mary Chapin Carpenter.
I am about to go to Arts in the Park and church. Arts in the Park has many exhibits but usually I don't buy much.
Try it again.
I just started this blog today, 2.
I just started this Blog today.