I certainly got my fill of non-words and hifalutin language today. I do have a non-word web page, but I recognize there are useful nonwords that increase meaning and understanding and non-useful ones that don't. Among the latter is stockage, meaning the inventory you have on hand. Microsoft Word kept redlining it as though it were misspelled. I thought at first that stockage" was a useful non-word, until I realized that there was a word stock which means the same thing. Why do people have to add the -age? It's meaningless, like foundationment or activitization. Another one is resourcing, the present participle of the verb resource. Generally I don't mind nouns used as verbs meaning "to provide with a", such as hatting, but this one is too general. What resource is being provided? The one I found really unusual was unvaulable. This is evidently a misspelling, but of what? The non-word unvaluable, which means worthless? Or did the author mean the word unavailable?
But all wasn't bad. I came up with a possible name for the replacement for the World Trade Center: call it Ground One.
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