


The God Test

I hit upon an idea to find what a person is really like. I am not sure that there is an Ultimate Being of some sort, a universal God. In my opinion the evidence is against it. Instead, when someone invokes God, like thanking God that they are safe from some tragedy or thanking God for helping them achieve some coveted award, they are talking about their own God. In a sense, to one's self, one's self is God. I think a lot of problems in this world would vanish once people recognize that the God they worship is really part of themselves. Only one person that I know of (besides myself) has recognized this: in a book, she writes "I am Grandmama God".

Therefore, to find out what a person's personality is like, ask them why they believe in God and what God has meant for them in their lives. This is fairly easy for someone who believes in God; for an atheist or agnostic such as myself, it is much harder; for such a person, ask them, if they believed in God, what kind of a God would it be. If the person is Christian and believes strongly that Jesus is their salvation and that He is a constant part of their lives, ask them what Jesus as meant for them. I will take myself as an example. I do not believe in a traditional God, so I will have to imagine that I do believe in a God. What would He be like?

My God would be a tasker and a riddler. He would always be presenting me riddles for me to solve. What is life all about? Where does the Universe end? Is it true that P is not equal to NP? How should I structure my life? My life would be an endless quest for the Truth that God represents. He would not give me much comfort, since He knows I have all I need to comfort myself. The reason that the stars are disorganized is that God made them that way. He would be the Constant Question, the Reason behind the Chaos, why Chaos appears in Order so much of the time; he would even riddle me on whether He exists, why I am me and what is it all about anyway. The traditional God that most closely resembles mine is Coyote of western Native American myth, the Rabbit of Cherokee and other eastern Native American myth and Loki of Norse myth.

That is, if I believed in a God. What does that say about me? It says I am a seeker, a trickster, and one who is trying to understand it all but can't quite get it.

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