


Outer Banks

We signed up to go to a vacation on the Outer Banks in two weeks. I am looking forward to it, to walks on the beach, spotting all sorts of unusual birds, and looking out at a dark sky at night. There seems to be something mysterious about a piece of land that is so far away from everywhere else.

Three Pocket Speeches

I now have three pocket speeches. A pocket speech is a speech that you can give right away at occasions, usually Toastmaster meetings. Usually I have trouble coming up with just one. So how did I come up with three? The first one was about this very activity, blogging. It is an introduction to blogging and what it has meant for me. The second one is my response to Governor Warner's drastic budget cuts; I argue he should raise the gasoline tax instead. My third one is the introductory speech to the Virginia Association of Astronomy Societies convention this coming weekend. I will give a practice speech of this to the Richmond Three-Letter Toastmaster meeting this Wednesday. I think this blogging helps me get topics for pocket speeches. If so I can expect to have even more pocket speeches in the future.

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