


September 11 a holiday?

There is a proposal to make September 11 a holiday to remember those that were lost in Planeattack on this day last year. It seems to be too close to the event to make it a holiday. We did not make 1941 December 7 a holiday, even though that cost thousands of lives and led to a horrible war. There is another objection, though. It is too close to Labor Day. We already have two holidays that are too close to each other, namely Christmas and New Year's. The result is an entire WEEK of holidays for many of us. Would the same thing happen to Labor Day and Planeattack Day? That would be most inconvenient when we are trying to get our children back to school. One way of working that out is to move Labor Day to the time that most of the world celebrates it on, on May 1. That would provide a holiday in the holiday dearth between Presidents' Day and Memorial Day. But I think it may be too early to decide on a holiday. It took at least a decade to decide to make a holiday for Rev. Martin Luther King. So for now make September 11 a day of remembrance without a formal holiday, and time will answer whether it should become our 11th national holiday.

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