Heart of Virginia Council Changes Names
The other good decision of today was the decision of the Robert E. Lee Council of the Boy Scouts of America, which serves central Virginia, to change its name to the Heart of Virginia Council. The council has had the name of Robert E. Lee for over fifty years. Many think of him as a valiant soldier. But first things first. He did choose to abandon allegiance to the nation that forged the path to democracy and freedom for its citizens in favor of one that enslaved a huge percentage of them. He was a brilliant general, so his siding with the Confederates ensured a bloody, violent war and guaranteed that he would be responsible for more American deaths than any other person in our nation's history, even Hitler and Tojo. Further, he is a symbol of racism to a good part of our population. Therefore, his removal from the name of the council was a good decision. General Lee's name belongs in history books and in museums, and certainly not in the name of a widespread organization for boys.
I therefore commend the Council on its decision. Now they need to go further. They need to defy the national Boy Scouts of America organization and declare a policy of non-discrimination against gays, atheists, and agnostics, as the Girl Scouts have.
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