


Oil Shortage Jokes

Today I hit upon an interesting picture on the Oil Crisis site. It shows the next two models of SUVs. The first is one that comes with its own portable drilling rig. The other is the DonCar. You need to click on that to see what a DonCar is. I also like the couple coming into a back to ask for a loan to fill the SUV's gas tank. What other Oil Shortage jokes can we come up with?

The Oil Shortage Traffic Light. A policeman at the center of an intersection yelling "Red!!", "Green!!", "Yellow!!".

The Oil Shortage Traffic Cop Uniform Fashion. A suit that is one-third bright phosphorescent red, one-third phosphorescent yellow, and one-third phosphorescent green. Four such police officers form a square and turn at appropriate times to show the appropriate color to the bicycles, pedestrians, and buggies that want to cross.

The Oil Shortage One-Person Airliner. A long-necked swan. You just hop on him, tell him "fly", and you're on your way!

The Oil Shortage Gasoline Price Sign. Each day the price goes up by zero. That's right, zero. They just add a zero onto the end of the price. Today's it's $3, tomorrow it's $30, the next day, $300 and so forth.

I suppose you can come up with other possibilities. We all like to laugh at ourselves at times, and we need some levity while considering the impact of the future shortage of petroleum which we know will come sooner or later, maybe around 2011 or so.

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