


Religious sayings

I heard an interesting sermon from a UU minister today. He got really emphatic at one point in the sermon, and I got his point. To me it can be summarized thus: There is no Promised Land, except for the entire Earth that is the Promised Land for us all. How true that is. Where else in the solar system can we live? Those who think that a certain segment of Earth belongs to them as their Promised Land will find that it doesn't.

Here are other sayings I have come up with, that combine more than one of humankind's religious principles:

Christianity and Islam: Blessed are the meek, the sick, and the downtrodden, for if you don't give to these, you are not a true believer.

Christianity and Zen Buddhism: If you see Christ the Son of God along the road with his host of angels, crucify him.

Islam and Taoism: There is no God but the unspeakable Allah; the Allah of which we speak is not the Real Allah.

And some of my favorite sayings from the world's religions:

Christianity: Let he who has not sinned throw the first stone. - Jesus

Islam: If you don't give to the poor and sick, you are not a true Muslim.

Taoism: The tao that can be spoken is not the Real Tao.

Unitarian-Universalism: We affirm the principle of the never-ending quest for truth and meaning.

Hinduism: There are many paths to the Ultimate, but they all lead to the same goal.

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