


Candidate Friendliness

Why did Kerry win in Iowa? I think it was because he was friendly. Some other candidates don't seem to have the warm connection with voters that Kerry has, for example, Wesley Clark. This is going to hurt him against Bush. Bush has an optimistic message in his State of the Union address, while Clark seems to be as stern as, well, a military general. How friendly are the others? I rank the candidates this way on friendliness:

1. John Kerry
2. John Edwards
3. Joe Lieberman
4. Dennis Kucinich
5. Howard Dean
6. Wesley Clark
7. Al Sharpton

Clark is second last. However, I don't think Kerry can carry the day any better, as he seems to be associated with losers like Dukakis. It looks like Edwards might be my choice, but he looks like someone made him out of a Presidential Candidate Kit. He needs to show some realness in his approach.

Whoever the Democrats nominate, he has to look and speak optimistically or Bush is going to have that much more in his advantage in November.

Oh, by the way, what did you think of the Dean Scream on Monday night? He made the crowd go wild, but would that work in the Oval Office? I now rank Clark as my favorite with Edwards a close second because of Dean's fit.

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