


Maybe Nader is good after all

Recently the Pentagon issued a report on the future of climate change. Controlling climate change has been a big part of environmentalist's agendas, including Ralph Nader's. The report predicts that unless the world cooperates to do something about it, drastic climate changes will result in more famine and war in the world, to the extent of being catastrophic. This report comes from the President's own Department of Defense. DOD has a lot of supporters among Republicans and conservatives, and so a report from the Pentagon would carry some weight among these. If Nader hammers on this platform that something needs to be done about climate change, many of these Republicans and conservatives might vote for Nader rather than Bush. Nader would then take votes away from Bush; if that happens, Key 4 (third party) would topple. That could put the President only one key from defeat, and evidence of a sagging economy could be the thing that does the President in. So maybe Nader is what we need after all. He is the only third party of any note running. I hope he devotes his efforts, then, to winning over conservatives and Republicans concerned about global warming.

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