March Forth
Today is a most unusual date. You can't February 25, you can't July 4, you can't September 11, you can't December 25 and so forth, but you can March 4. You can March 4th into battle, or you can March 4th for the Arts, as one charity would have us do. That caused the online periodical Newszap to pose this question:
"P.S. GF's annual quiz question: What's the only date on the calendar that issues a command?"
The intended answer is today, of course. March 4th. March Forth. Of course this is correct; you can march forth. However, today is not the only day of the year that is a command. They overlooked that one can March 1st. In fact, whoever Marched 1st probably were not the ones that Marched 4th, since they marched before everyone else.
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