


SUUSI 2008 Part 1

It is 2008 July 21 2116 and I am in a room in a Radford dorm, at SUUSI. I presented the story of Tuscobuk with his adventures with the Elk - the elk skin is the Quileute version of Cassiopeia. It's a story of our time. For me it is how I find that with my father's passing and with it my belief in our institutions, I am not trustful of too many institutions, and it seems I have no one to turn to. The elk skin is a symbol of the complex and enormous task of finding the truth about everything. It is so huge that Tuscobuk could not hold on to it - he gave it up to the sky.

I attended Greg Greenway's music and social change workshop. He directed us through some social change tunes, and he wants us to select the two most influential tunes in our lives. This reminds me of SUUSI 2000 when I attended Jennifer Bosveld's The Flag, Mom, and Rock and Roll workshop, in which we all came up with a medley of tunes of our lives.

We were going to go to stargazing tonight but it got postponed because of an incoming cloud deck. Try again later in the week.

Rev. Rebecca Parker says the idea of Jesus saving us for our sins came not just after the death of Jesus but instead about AD 1000, and this led Christianity from non-violence to the Crusades.

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