Birds and Stars
This year I have been to one birding trip, at the Outer Banks, in October, and several skywatches or star parties. These two events have similarities. They both use binoculars or telescopes, they both try to spot objects in nature (birds or celestial objects), and they involve transportation to favorable sites (shores for birds, dark sites for stars). So the idea I had is, why not combine the two on the same trip? Have a birding and amateur astronomer outing, probably lasting two days, wherein you would observe the birds by day and the stars (and possibly a few birds) at night. Binoculars would be good for both. So where do you start Birdstar? Someone has to find a location, preferably a place near the ocean without lights nearby, such as Okracoke Island, and someone has to handle the logistics of this event, including informing both astronomical, nature and birding groups, arranging for the space and providing accommodations, leaders, and food for everyone. But I think it would be a good way to get birders to meet stargazers.
State Quarters
The two most recent quarters have become rather scarce. Indianas came out in August, and so far I have seen only five of them. Mississippis came out last month, but so far I have not seen a single one. I sorted out my excess collection and found out that I have more Virginias and North Carolinas than any other state. I took a look at next year's offerings. Alabama struck me as being notable. Initially they were going to put hackneyed items such as farms, bolls of cotton and so forth on the coin; then I saw one that featured the state house, which in the past had been a symbol of segregation. I did not think much of these designs. When I found out about the final design, I got a pleasant surprise. They put Helen Keller on the coin. This is the blind and deaf woman who made the most of her life. The inscription is in English and Braille; the first coin that anyone has heard of bearing Braille inscriptions. I think people are going to want that coin. It could become scarce quickly. So I am looking forward to it.
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