It's that time of the year again
This evening I went up into my attic to get down the Yule decorations - 27 boxes of it. I only got down 10 of them tonight, and I will leave box number 16 upstairs: that's Halloween. This is the yearly ritual we go through that transform our drab landscape into a festival of color. I will take two or three hours to get our tree, three-light candelabras, and outdoor lighting up. The result is not as bright as some other displays I have seen, which require getting on the roof and putting up loads of lights. These displays must eat up a lot of electricity and take the entire holiday period to put up. I will also send cards this season, and get gifts for my relatives. Only two are that close - my wife and my mother. There will be parties all over the place, at my workplace and even at my astronomy club. Maybe we will sing Christmas carols at my church. And by the way, why call it Christmas when I am not Christian? I am a Unitarian Universalist with "pagan" leanings. So that is why I call it Yule.
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