


Rainbow SUUSI

I started to finish what I couldn't at SUUSI - a song from my songwriting class with Peter Mayer. The idea centered around a dance with a woman where we come together from places where some disaster has struck - a fire or a flood, for instance. I felt that SUUSI was such a dance this year. When I free associated with it, I started talking about rainbows. A rainbow is a place where peace and tumult meet; a storm and sunny weather. As I pointed out before, I feel that a rainbow symbolizes a transition, and I feel like I am going through one right now. This year's SUUSI reinforces this, and I saw a rainbow for real a couple of weeks later. So I am going to call SUUSI 2002, "Blessings" my Rainbow SUUSI. I hope to have the song completed soon. It shall be entitled "Dancing Under the Rainbow" - note under, rather than over, the rainbow.

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