


Which President was the Best?

Today Jimmy Carter received the Nobel Peace Prize. It was well deserved. Jimmy Carter lived much of his life seeking peace everywhere, with the Camp David accords, Haiti, and numerous other places. In my opinion he was the best President in my lifetime. Here is my ranking of the men who served as our President in my lifetime:

1. Jimmy Carter. High regard for people and peace.
2. John F. Kennedy. Started an optimistic new age: Camelot
3. Harry Truman. Was able to say what he meant.
4. Gerald Ford. Served as well as he could for a president that was not elected.
5. Bill Clinton. Able to achieve things with people, but his amorous pursuits did him in.
6. Lyndon Johnson. Developed the Great Society, but the Vietnam War was our biggest failure.
7. George H. W. Bush (father). Won a war but could not bring around the economy.
8. Ronald Reagan. Symbolizes optimism but also "moral majority" and Iran-Contra.
9. George W. Bush (son). Angered world with non-involvement in anti-racism and ecological concerns, too martiocratic.
10. Richard Nixon. Opened China but Watergate was the worst scandal in our history.

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