


Dick Clark commits age discrimination

I heard an unbelievable story today. Ralph Andrews, 76, with a considerable background in the entertainment industry, was rejected for a job with Dick Clark's Bandstand because he was too old. Here is what the CNN site said:

"I have great respect and admiration for your accomplishments, and wish you success in your desire to 'get back to work," Clark's letter read, according to the suit. (But) the last development guy we hired was 27 years old. Another person who is joining our staff next week is 30. People our age are considered dinosaurs! The business is being run by 'The Next Generation."' Clark added, "On a brighter note, Ralph, please know that if any project comes up where we could use your experienced hands, I wouldn't hesitate to call you."

Dick Clark himself is 74 years old! To me this is blatant age discrimination. If he feels this way about old people, he should fire himself. How much do those two measly years mean, anyway? Mr. Andrews has filed a suit against Dick Clark. Maybe it's good. Mr. Clark was not shown in a favorable light in the movie "Bowling for Columbine". Mr. Andrews has filed a suit against Mr. Clark. Good. I hope he wins.

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