


Politician Logic

It seems that much of what politicians say are lies. There are Clinton's denials of involvement with Monica, Nixon's denial of involvement in Watergate, Saddam's denial of possession of weapons of mass destruction, US Government's denial of health problems caused by nuclear testing in the 1950s, and so forth. It makes me think that there is a separate logic to people in power that says that the statements they make are false. An example of this logic would be:

1. A prominent US politician says that Iraq has biological weapons.
2. A prominent British politician says that Iraq has chemical weapons.
3. Saddam says that Iraq does not have any chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons.

Iraq has nuclear weapons.

Proof: In this type of logic we assume the negation of the hypotheses because, since they come from politicians, they are false. Therefore, Iraq does not have biological weapons from 1, and does not have chemical weapons from 2. Number 3 says that Iraq must have at least one of these, but since it does not have chemical or biological weapons, it must therefore have nuclear weapons. QED.

Remember now that the conclusion is reached only if the hypotheses are assumed.

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