


September 11 Ambiguity

For a while I have been saying that one should not call Planeattack, the terrorist attacks of 2001 September 11, "September 11". This is because it maligns people who were born on a September 11. But there is another reason, too. "September 11" is inherently ambiguous. 57 days of my life have been called "September 11". This is why a major event should not be referred to by its month/day date. I found a headline in the newspaper this morning that read "Terror threat greatest since September 11." Which September 11? Both are plausible. 2002 September 11 was the last time that an Orange terrorism state was declared. 2001 September 11 was the date of Planeattack. The headline should have read "Terror threat greatest since terror attacks of 2001", or "Terror threat greatest since Planeattack", provided enough people understand "Planeattack". So please don't call the terror attacks of a year and a half ago "September 11". There's been another September 11.

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