


Iowa Caucuses: How I rate them today

I got an appeal from a friend today urging me to support Wesley Clark for President. He quoted an article from Michael Moore which supported Clark. Most of the statements seem unfounded, but one that sticks out like a sore thumb is this: his background is military, and he is anti-war and pro-environment. That is a rare combination indeed. The only people who I think had the same oxymoronic combination are national heroes like General Dwight Eisenhower or General Ridgeway. These people saw war as something that had to be gotten done and they did not relish it, even though they were actively involved in fighting it. If Clark is like these people, that would be a strong point in his favor. I still favor Dean slightly, but that could change in coming days.

Here is how I rate the Democratic candidates today during the caucuses:

1. Howard Dean
2. Wesley Clark
3. John Edwards
4. Dennis Kucinich (I hear he was pooling votes with Edwards)
5. Dick Gephardt
6. John Kerry
7. Joe Lieberman
8. Al Sharpton

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