


Hypermediaism of the day

I may establish a regular feature on this blog. Hypermediaism of the day, honoring the most hypered-up news story of the past 24 hours or so. Today the honor of Hypermediaism of the day goes to the Hyper-TV networks such as CBS, NBC, and ABC, as well as CNN's web page. CNN's web page featured late today a story showing the discovery of nuclear sites in Iran. This was highlighted as the lead story on their site, and even included an aerial site showing some works. So I tried to listen for it on 1830 news tonight. But not a single one mentioned the story in the first 10 minutes. Instead, they blabbed endlessly about Trent Lott's statement about Strom Thurmond. First they give huge lead story billing to the Iran nuke story; then they drop it and give the lead hype to Trent Lott. If the networks can do this, then either the Iran nuke story has been hyped up far more than is warranted, or the Trent Lott story is. I think both are true. In fact, I believe that the hypermedia are helping make things bad for Sen. Lott and may force him to resign. For this reason, I award Hypermediaism of the Day honors today to the Iran nuke and the Trent Lott stories.

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